2022-2023 GSAG Board Accepting Nominations

We are excited to launch the nomination cycle for the 2022-2023 GSAG Board! GSAG welcomes all who are interested in service and leadership to serve in some capacity on the board, regardless of election outcome. We welcome your input and encourage your continued participation in supporting the graduate student experience with AAG.

Nominations are being accepted March 9 – April 9. Elections will be held April 13 – April 20.

The following board positions are accepting nominations:

Vice-Chair: This position requires a two year minimum commitment; on the first year, they will serve as Vice-Chair, and on the second year, they continue to serve in the Chair position. As Vice-Chair, they will help monitor the implementation of short-term goals, assist the Chair to fulfill their responsibilities, and organize relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired. Gets checks for grantees, communicate between the AAG and award winners to ensure that they receive their checks, stay aware of all GSAG finances, reports on membership numbers and budget (liaison between AAG and GSAG on all financial matters), collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.

Secretary: Solicit information, prepare, and send out a biannual newsletter, keep minutes at GSAG meetings, maintain website and social media presence, collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.

GSAG Award Committee Member: supports the GSAG board through the promotion and evaluation of the annual GSAG award cycle, provide constructive and creative input into award evaluation rubric, and prepare and distribute award notification messages. Note: member of the committee disqualify themself from submitting a GSAG award application the year they are selected to serve. We welcome previous GSAG award recipients to apply.

Please direct any questions to gmanser@ucdavis.edu.

CFP for the REP Conference and Advancing Geography at HBCUs/MSIs Workshop

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XI Race, Ethnicity, and Place and MAD-AAG Joint Conference 

Baltimore, Maryland
October 20-23, 2021
Hosted by Morgan State University, the University of Baltimore, and Towson University

For almost 20 years, the Race, Ethnicity, and Place (REP) Conference has brought together diverse groups of scholars to facilitate research on race and ethnicity and has provided a critical gathering place of support and collaboration for underrepresented scholars. The REP Conference provides important opportunities for faculty, professionals, and graduate students to engage in discussions of timely and critical issues regarding race and ethnicity in multiple places and spatial contexts worldwide.

The Mid-Atlantic Division of the AAG (MAD-AAG), as the AAG’s oldest regional division has been working for more than 70 years to facilitate inclusive community building among a diverse and collegial mix of professional and academic geographers, students, and community members. By collaborating with REP, MAD hopes to join an even larger community of scholars, activists, and engaged citizens who—working together—hold Baltimore and its residents as catalyzing leaders for a national dialogue on race, ethnicity, and place.

Under the current political climate, it is critical that scholars from a broad range of perspectives develop transformative research to foster inclusive policy, advocacy, and action. The 2021 XI REP Conference in Baltimore aims to create common ground across multiple ways of studying race and ethnicity and to broaden participation of scholars in geography and related social and spatial sciences whose research furthers scholarship relating to race, ethnicity, and place.

The theme of the 2021 REP conference, Justice and the City in an Age of Social Division, ties in strongly with current and ongoing struggles for civil and human rights in Baltimore. We call for original papers and panel submissions that further our understanding of social, environmental, and community justice issues that intersect with race, ethnicity, and diversity.

We call for original papers, paper sessions and panel submissions relating to these subjects and the overall Conference theme. Detailed possibilities are outlined below, but the range of possibilities should be as diverse as our participating community:

  • Ethnicity (Pan-Africanism, Indigenous Identity, Ethnic Identity, Institutions and Neighborhoods, Census Geography)
  • Race (National and Racial Identity, Intersectionality, Whiteness, Segregation, Racism, Anti-Racism, Racial Profiling)
  • Civil Rights (Policing, Justice, Diversity in Higher Education, Discipline of Geography, STEM)
  • Place (Geo-Narratives, Housing and Neighborhoods, Landscapes, Suburbanization, Urban Policy, Gentrification, Community Engagement)
  • Gender (LGBTQIA Rights, Gendered Intersections, Sexuality, Feminisms)
  • Human Rights (Human Rights and Science, Governance, Democracy, Civil Society)
  • Immigration (Immigrant Rights, Policing & Enforcement, Detention, Integration, Settlement, Gateways, Labor Migration, Transnationalism)
  • Health (Modeling, Racial Disparities in Access to Services, Health Outcomes)
  • Crime (Mass Incarceration, Prisons and the Criminal Justice System)
  • Environment (Climate Change, Community Ecology, Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Development, Water Access, Environmental Justice, Environmental Racism, Critical Physical Geography)

Register and submit your paper, paper session, panel or poster submission at before August 1st to get the early registration rate at http://www.repconference.org

REP Advancing Geography Workshop

Positioning Geography at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions

The Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference (REP) invites scholars to apply for the 2021 REP Advancing Geography at HBCUs/MSIs Workshop. The workshop will provide a professional development opportunity for geographers—meeting experts in the field, interacting with colleagues and faculty leaders from other HBCUs and MSIs, and creating networks and lasting professional connections to support advancing geography and their own professional development. Awardees are expected to attend the full REP Conference with the option to present scholarly work and/or organize and participate in themed sessions or panels, including panels that will carry the theme of the pre-conference workshop through the full conference. 

 The one-day pre-conference workshop will take place on Tuesday, October 20, 2021, at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. Workshop participants will continue their professional development by presenting their own research during the subsequent XI REP Conference, held from October 20 – October 23, 2021.  Participants will have registration, meals and hotel expenses covered for both the workshop and the subsequent REP Conference. Eligible workshop participants are PhD students with ABD status, recent PhD graduates, and assistant or adjunct faculty at US institutions who currently teach or are interested in teaching geography or geospatial sciences at an HBCU, MSI, or Tribal College.

 We invite you to learn more about the REP Conference and find the application information at https://repconference.org/hbcu-msi-workshop; Race, Ethnicity, and Place (REP) Conference 2021 – www.repconference.org

 The application deadline is Sunday, August 1, 2021. Applicants will hear decisions by September 1, 2021.  Those applying for the workshop are welcome to organize panels or paper sessions for the REP Conference, which are due August 1st.  For questions about the REP Workshop, please contact Mark Barnes (mark.barnes@morgan.edu), Sarah Blue (sblue@txstate.edu), or Joe Wood (jswood@ubalt.edu).

AAG’s Graduate Student Affinity Group Board 2021-2022


We are excited to launch the nomination and election cycle for the incoming 2021-2022 GSAG Board! GSAG welcomes all who are interested in service and leadership to serve in some capacity on the board, regardless of election outcome. We welcome your input and encourage your continued participation in supporting the graduate student experience with AAG.

The following board positions are accepting nominations:

Vice-Chair: Serve as a replacement for the chair in case they cannot continue with their duties or in the case of graduation. This position requires a two year minimum commitment; on the first year, they will serve as Vice-Chair, and on the second year, they continue to serve in the Chair position. As Vice-Chair, they will help monitor the implementation of short-term goals, assist the Chair to fulfill their responsibilities, and organize relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.

Treasurer: Gets checks for grantees, communicate between the AAG and award winners to ensure that they receive their checks, stay aware of all GSAG finances, reports on membership numbers and budget (liaison between AAG and GSAG on all financial matters), collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.

Secretary: Solicit information, prepare, and send out a biannual newsletter, keep minutes at GSAG meetings, maintain website and social media presence, collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.

Community Builders: solicits information to be shared via website and social media, grow and maintain GSAG presence, keep organization membership informed of opportunities and events related to graduate students and the GSAG community, assist in organizing the social event at the AAG annual meeting and collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.

GSAG Award Committee Member: supports the GSAG board through the promotion and evaluation of the annual GSAG award cycle, provide constructive and creative input into award evaluation rubric, and prepare and distribute award notification messages. Note: member of the committee disqualify themself from submitting a GSAG award application the year they are selected to serve. We welcome previous GSAG award recipients to apply.

Election Timeline:

  • Nominations will be accepted between Monday April 12, 2021 and Friday April 23, 2021
  • GSAG Board Elections will take place Monday April 26, 2021 to Friday April 30, 2021
  • Leadership transition phase will occur in two meetings – one in May 2021 and one in June 2021
  • New board will officially take office July 1, 2021

GSAG Sponsored Sessions at #AAG2021

Join us at the following sessions sponsored by AAG’s Graduate Student Affinity Group!



  • It’s Everyone’s Responsibility: Concrete Response Strategies For Harassing or Discriminatory Situations 1
    • Thursday April 8th. 11:10 AM to 12:25 PM PDT




  • Meetup for International Graduate Students and Early Career Geographers
  • Listen & Write & Talk: Guidance for Graduate Students on Qualitative Research

Looking for a casual space to connect with other meeting attendees, or need a neutral breakout room to meet? Join us at one (or all!) of Reflect and Connect Hours, hosted by GSAG

  • Wednesday April 7th. 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PDT
  • Thursday April 8th. 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM PDT
  • Friday April 9th. 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PDT
  • Saturday April 10th. 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM PDT

Funded, Virtual Summer NSF Undergraduates and Teachers Program Announcement

Citizen Science GIS NSF REU/RET Site Overview: This summer virtually through Citizen Science GIS at University of Central Florida, we are pleased to host the fifth year of our National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates & Teachers (REU/RET) Site “Preparing the Next Generation of Scholars through Community GIS and Citizen Science.” Our virtual program (due to COVID) offers fully funded summer research experiences for eight undergraduate students and two K-12 teachers. Participants will also be invited to a fully funded ten-day fieldwork experience to Belize in early 2022 as COVID conditions improve. 

Program Dates: Virtual from June 1-July 9, 2021. Belize fieldwork, early 2022.

Application process: Priority application deadline is Friday, April 9th at: https://www.citizensciencegis.org/nsf-reuret-site.

3/31 Zoom session: Join us from 4-5 pm EST on Zoom to ask questions/learn more about the program with our REU/RET faculty. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/52zjdvzk.

Eligibility requirements: As an NSF-funded program, open to all U.S. citizens and permanent residents. We are interdisciplinary emphasizing community geography, community GIS, and citizen science through mixed methods, including sketch mapping, mobile mapping applications, focus groups, in-depth interviews, GIS, spatial analysis, and drones. Since 2016, over 70% of participants have been from underrepresented groups in STEM, and from several disciplines including geography, GIS, environmental studies, sociology, anthropology, biology, chemistry, political science, business/economics, education, and more.

Research directions: Work with community partners and mentors from University of Central Florida, George Mason University, University of Belize, Georgia State University, and The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystems Program. Research Direction 1: Leveraging community geography & GIS to map disparities in flooding. Research Direction 2: Leveraging community geography & GIS to reduce waste and prevent marine debris.

Funding: $4200 research stipend, $750 for post-REU conference travel or industry visits, research methods books, technology support, and all expenses covered for 2022 Belize fieldwork.

Questions directed to:

  • Dr. Timothy Hawthorne: Principal Investigator, Associate Professor of Geographic Information Systems, Director of Citizen Science GIS at University of Central Florida. Email: timothy.hawthorne@ucf.edu
  • Dr. Hannah Torres: Co-Principal Investigator, Assistant Director of Research Operations Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities at George Mason University. Email: htorres3@gmu.edu

Check us out on the web & share on social media:

Website: https://www.citizensciencegis.org/nsf-reuret-site 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/citizen_gis
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/citizensciencegis/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/citizensciencegis/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18997812/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg6_1giYaXQ6mcalJH-kMuw

Cartographic research graduate student position available, UO InfoGraphics Lab

The InfoGraphics Lab in the Department of Geography is seeking applications for a Cartographic Research Graduate Employee (GE) at 0.49 FTE for academic years 2021-22 and 2022-23.

This GE position will support the development of the web-based Pacific Northwest Atlas of Essential Work, which will include histories and speculative futures of essential work, with an emphasis on the histories and stories of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC) workers who sustain our regional economy. This work is in partnership with The Pacific Northwest Just Futures Institute for Racial and Climate Justice. See: https://around.uoregon.edu/content/new-grant-will-create-institute-racial-and-climate-justice. Similar to other work in the InfoGraphics Lab, the PNW Atlas of Essential Work aims to communicate research from a wide variety of experts and efforts and to make this knowledge accessible to a broader audience through cartographic design and data visualization.

The GE will assist with data exploration and create web map and data visualizations for the atlas and may also contribute to other cartographic projects. The GE will develop professional-level expertise in current mapping techniques and design methodologies and will also assist with managing undergraduate employees on project tasks. The student selected for this position will be expected to enroll in the Department of Geography graduate program and write a research thesis or dissertation in geography preferably related to cartographic research.

To view more detail on the position, please view the position announcement.

To express interest in this position and to be considered, submit a single PDF file containing the following to Graduate Admissions Lacey Curran, laceyc@uoregon.edu:

  • Cover letter describing your relevant experience and scholarly interests
  • Curriculum Vitae

To be considered, the candidate must be accepted to the Geography graduate program, apply to the program here by March 22, 2021https://geography.uoregon.edu/graduate/admissions/

Please note that the graduate program application requires an application fee. Information regarding fee waivers can be found at: https://gradschool.uoregon.edu/admissions/how-to-apply/application-fee-waivers

For questions please contact Carolyn Fish, cfish11@uoregon.edu or Joanna Merson, jmerson@uoregon.edu.

Job Posting – Environmental Studies and Sciences Program at Skidmore College

The Environmental Studies and Sciences Program (ESS) at Skidmore College invites applications for the position of Visiting Assistant Professor. We seek a teacher-scholar who will strengthen our curriculum in Environmental Studies, while also complementing and enhancing the Program overall. This two-year position will involve teaching a total of 5 to 6 courses per year. The appointment is for the 2021-2022 and 2022 – 2023 academic years, pending administrative and budgetary approval.

Applicants should demonstrate an ability to (1) enrich interdisciplinary offerings on campus through courses; and (2) thrive in an undergraduate program within a liberal arts college, where excellence in teaching and advising is highly valued.

The successful applicant will have the ability to teach some combination of intermediate and advanced level courses such as: Environmental Justice and/or Human Rights and Development, Sustainable Development and/or Political Ecology, Global Environmental Change/ Global Environmental Governance, Public Lands & Oceans Management/ Environmental Policy & Law, Public Health or Environmental Education, or Innovative courses appropriate to the candidate’s specialty and areas of expertise.

Candidates with a background suited to teach the above courses (or related) are particularly encouraged to apply. The Program values applicants who have experience working with students from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Applicants are asked to identify their strengths and experiences in assisting diverse student populations to accomplish curricular goals. The candidate is also encouraged (but not required) to participate in the ESS Program’s support of vibrant research opportunities with undergraduate students.

Candidates should apply with a cover letter, a CV, three confidential letters of recommendation, a teaching statement, a statement on inclusivity in the classroom, and a teaching portfolio (syllabi and student evaluations, if available). Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline by August 31, 2021.

Review of applications will begin on March 7, 2021.

Please direct any questions to:
Nurcan Atalan-Helicke, Ph.D.
Environmental Studies and Sciences Program
Skidmore College


Skidmore College is committed to being an inclusive campus community and, as an Equal Opportunity Employer, does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, military or veteran status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, predisposition or carrier status, domestic violence victim status, familial status, dating violence, or stalking, or any other category protected by applicable federal, state or local laws.

Employment at Skidmore College is contingent upon an acceptable background check result.


Application link: https://eodq.fa.us6.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/29/?utm_medium=jobshare

Cultural Geography Specialty Group Awards (Research and Paper) – Due February 28, 2021

The links are now live for the research and paper awards sponsored by the Cultural Geography Specialty Group:

Please note that the deadline for both awards is February 28, 2021. We hope to make a decision in late March 2021.

Please also note that the format of the research award is slightly different this year: Proposals may be slightly longer and we ask you to briefly explain how this work might be feasible given the ongoing pandemic.

Please feel to reach out directly should you have any questions and thank you in advance for sharing these CfP with your colleagues.

Best wishes,

Timur Hammond
Syracuse University

Ph.D position with Dr. A. Marie Ranjbar available at the University of Colorado Boulder

Dr. A. Marie Ranjbar from the Department of Geography at the University of Colorado is seeking PhD students starting Fall 2021 to work on projects related to feminist geographies, Middle East/postcolonial geographies, and/or critical human rights. Students will be funded via teaching assistantships, which includes full tuition coverage, a stipend,, and health insurance, contingent on good progress through the program. Details about the program can be found here. Please also note that we have a graduate application fee waiver for applicants with financial need. Applications are due December 1, 2020. If you are interested in this opportunity, please send an email with your CV and a note about your potential research project to ranjbar@colorado.edu.