Application Deadline: December 15th, 2023
Link to Application: Google Form (click here)
GSAG is a professional organization committed to representing graduate students within the American Association of Geographers and to supporting their advancement in the field of Geography. We are excited to provide the 2024 GSAG Travel Award in the amounts of $100 USD for virtual attendance and $250 USD for in-person attendance. Applications will be reviewed by the GSAG Awards Committee. This award is intended to support graduate students in attending the 2024 Annual Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii. Submission of a budget is not required.
Applications will be completed using Google Forms. If an alternative application submission method is needed, please contact GSAG at Award checks will be mailed to awardees or distributed electronically, and we anticipate notifying recipients by early February 2024.
We encourage all masters and PhD graduate students to apply. Preference will be given to those who have not previously received a GSAG award (inclusive of GSAG AAG travel funds), and those who are underrepresented in the field of geography. Applicants must be current members of GSAG.
In addition to basic demographic and institutional data, applicants will be expected to provide the following details in their application:
ABSTRACT OF AAG PRESENTATION: In 300 words or less, please provide a description of your presentation at the annual meeting. You can use the same abstract that you submitted on the AAG portal.
PERSONAL STATEMENT: In 250 words or less, please indicate how participation in AAG would be useful for you.