AAG Dissertation Research Grant – Deadline Dec. 31

The AAG provides support for doctoral dissertation research in the form of small grants of up to $1000 to PhD candidates of any geographic specialty.You are eligible to apply if you have been an AAG member for at least one year at the time you submit your application, you do not have a doctorate at the time of the award, and you will have completed all Ph.D. requirements except the dissertation by the end of the semester or term following approval of your award (i.e., you will  have all requirements except the dissertation completed in the spring or summer term immediately following the Dec. 31 application submission). Click here for more information: http://www.aag.org/cs/grants/dissertation

GSAG Travel Award: Deadline Feb. 8

GSAG is a professional organization committed to representing graduate students within the Association of American Geographers and their advancement in the field of Geography. The GSAG Awards Committee will review all applications and award five $250 GSAG Professional Development Awards. We encourage all graduate students, masters and PhD, to apply. Preference will be given to first-time attendants of the AAG annual conference. Please fill out all the sections below and submit by Friday, February 8, 2019. Awardees must pick-up award checks at the GSAG Business Meeting at the AAG annual conference. Email this application and all materials to Douglas Allen at gsag.chair@gmail.com, GSAG Chair.  Recipients should be notified on the second week of March. Travel Award Application can be found here.