GSAG 2020-2021 Board Elections

Elections for GSAG 2020-2021 Officers will take place virtually between Wednesday July 29, 2020 and Friday July 31, 2020.  Nominations for Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Community Builders will be accepted until Friday July 24, 2020. To nominate yourself or someone else, please e-mail with the name and contact information of your nominee. If you are nominating yourself, please include a brief bio and a short statement on why you are interested in the position.  Officer positions and responsibilities include:

  • Vice-Chair: Serve as a replacement for the chair in case they cannot continue with their duties or in the case of graduation.  This position requires a two years minimum commitment; on the first year, they will serve as Vice-Chair, and on the second year, they will take over the Chair position.  As Vice-Chair, they will help monitor the implementation of short-term goals, assist the Chair to fulfill their responsibilities, and organize relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.
  • Treasurer: Gets checks for grantees, communicate between the AAG and award winners to ensure that they receive their checks, stay aware of all GSAG finances, reports on membership numbers and budget (liaison between AAG and GSAG on all financial matters), collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.
  • Secretary: Solicit information, prepare, and send out a biannual newsletter, keep minutes at GSAG meetings, maintain website and social media presence, collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.
  • Community Builders: solicits information to be shared via website and social media, grow and maintain GSAG presence, keep organization membership informed of opportunities and events related to graduate students and the GSAG community, assist in organizing the social event at the AAG annual meeting and collaborate with the organization on relevant AAG sessions/activities as desired.

GSAG is an inclusive organization, and all who run for election (regardless of outcome) are invited to serve as board members.  We welcome your input and encourage your participation.

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